Place a \ character directly before a period that should not have any space, and put \thinspace directly after. LaTeX will always force a slightly larger space after a period, but with abbreviations like etc., an extra space is incorrect. , letting you do lots of really cool and useful things, this package also allows you create a.Otherwise, LaTeX decides where to begin and end lines to make your document as typographically beautiful as possible. You can only make LaTeX go to the next line using \\ or \linebreak.Placing a % before a line or line fragment is called "commenting out" or " commenting." This is useful when you want to make a note to yourself or want to temporarily remove text, an environment or commands from the typeset version. When LaTeX encounters a % character while processing an input file, it ignores the rest of the present line, the line break, and all whitespace at the beginning of the next line.To make a word italic, you surround the word in a command like \textit ( more special symbols are available here) To force a new page, you don't press a button or go to Insert->Pagebreak, you just write \newpage. Instead, LaTeX is a markup language like HTML. Commonly Needed Formatting Environments for ParagraphsĪs you may have guessed, LaTeX is not a What You See Is What You Get word processor like Microsoft Word.Ten Strange Things You Need To Know About LaTeX.You could even define an active character so that will actually insert a proper tilde. Search the Help Desk Search Introduction to LaTeX You never need to (or should) type the above except once, in a macro definition. Course Google Group Request (course email list).

SenusAccess (accessible document converter).